Friday 11 November 2016

Almost mid-project update

This week again I have been working on finishing my research so that all that is left to do is email intellects on this subject and complete my artifact. I have taken part in an art trip to Venice and during this trip we visited museums that had artists I was inspired to use in my EPQ, for one we went to a renaissance painting museum which I believed could be used for my research.

The next stage of my work is to start draft emails to intellects, which I have been slowly starting to do throughout the project but I believe that now I have got all this research I know what I want to talk about a little more.

My supervisor has told me that the idea of using craftivism in my project is good and I should look more into this if I am to use it within my artifact. It is good because it often uses the medium of textiles which is what I also wish to use.

A problem that has occurred this week is simply trying to relate the artists I am researching to the question in hand. For example I started looking into the surrealist art of Max Ernst however he didn't seem at all interested in influencing culture like political art for example would, consequently there was a lot less to say about him. I've worked with this problem by making sure that the artists I am looking at have definitely had an impact on society whether they were trying to or not.

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