Monday 26 September 2016


I have now finished my research on Laura Callaghan and have started focusing on Barbara Kruger. I have also this week made a list of artists and lecturers I would like to get in touch with over the course of my project to get their views on my question. I have got their emails and this week I plan on starting to draft these. Problems that have occurred include trying to find emails or contact details of certain people, I am surprised by how difficult it was to find something for Grayson Perry yet how easy it was for Barbara Kruger.

In addition to this I went to our college library to have a look at past EPQ's as examples. I tried to find art EPQ's in particular however there were very few of these. I learnt how the project would look when finished and the amount of work that gets put into them.

Thursday 22 September 2016


This week I have put my Laura Callaghan research onto paper in my sketchbook. By the end of this week I want to have finished her and moved fully onto my next artist which will most probably be Barbara Kruger. I need to look at getting in touch with experts such as art historians and also places I can go to further my research. A problem I have encountered is the difficulty involved in trying to get in touch with experts in this field.

Thursday 15 September 2016


This week I have moved on from Grayson Perry and begun looking at my next artist, Laura Callaghan. Her work has interested for a long time now. Despite being a recent MA graduate in illustration from Kingston University she appears to be at the for front of the media. I have found an interview on 'mag culture' and looked into her commissioned pieces. What stands out most about this artist in relation to the question is that her work is usually exhibited in places which get a large amount of public attention for example social media, fashion advertisements and even murals in central New York.

You could say her work takes a feminist approach however the question really is; does she illustrate women because she believes in changing stereotypes in the patriarchy or is it simply because this is what she knows best? Working out whether an artist uses their medium because it is what they enjoy most or whether they feel it is a subject which needs attention is the most pressing debate
Tictail Marketplace NYU

MTV Horoscopes

Saturday 3 September 2016


Over summer I have continued to develop my research sketchbook. I have almost finished my Grayson Perry research and now need to provide a response to his work. My findings throughout researching Perry is that he likes to draw upon traditional methods and focuses on class and how that effects our taste in Britain. It is clear to see that he is definitely approaching cultural issues in his work, the amount of influence it has had on our country however is hard to tell.

 After I have done this I will go on to do the same with my other artists and hopefully that will give me the scope to answer my question.